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دومین تصحیح رایتینگ

دومین تصحیح رایتینگ آیلتس نیز توسط اساتید اشراق برای شما آماده شده است.
این درس به صورت صوتی بوده و به تجزیه و تحلیل رایتینگ ذکر شده که متعلق به یک زبان آموز است می‌پردازد. این رایتینگ در قالب بخش‌های مختلف تحلیل و تصحیح شده است.

۱۰ زبان آموزان ثبت نام کرده

متن رایتینگ زبان آموز

Most people think that the truth should be objective rather than subjective when it comes to the news.
Do you think all news is true? What is the function of a newspaper?

 Today0 people are more interested to know about the recent news1, however, there is growing suspicious2 about the creditability of news feeds3. Many people believe that facts should not be personalized in news media. I think news messengers4 have failed to maintain objectivity and the primary objective of a newspaper is to disclose information5 about recent events to5 its audience6.

بازنویسی پاراگراف اول براساس ایده های شما

Dwellers of the early third millennium harbor deep-seated interest in enjoying free access to uncensored news; however, there is a growing concern concerning the credibility of the news sources, particularly in broadcasting the truth. Many hold that facts should not be subject to pre-selected personalization/ should not be filtered by the news providers, who, in my opinion, have failed to maintain the news objectivity as they should. I believe the primary objective of a newspaper is to provide authentic information coupled with logical illuminating comments on the recent events for their target audience.

Although there are some occasions that news can be trustworthy, I think the public7 are commonly not given accurate news .This is because in many countries, news organizations8 are entirely controlled by powerful political parties9. In other words10, news producers should cater for11 the tastes of dominant politicians12 in order to survive in this market.13 So, being under political pressures, journalists mainly distort facts and fabricate news which guides public opinions14. For example, in Iran local news media are not appealed15 to public as they have doubts about trust national news programs’ trustworthy.16

بازنویسی پاراگراف دوم براساس ایده های شما

Although there are certain occasions where news can be trustworthy, I think the public/ the receivers of news outlets are not furnished with accurate news at all times. This is mainly because in many countries, news organizations/ news agencies/ news providers/ news outlets/ news sources are entirely/ strictly/ tightly controlled/ influenced by authoritarian regimes, economic monopolies, or the news customer/ consumer habits/tendencies/demands. This entails that the truth of the news should be defined/ modified/ filtered/ manipulated to their taste to guarantee the survival of those news providers. This even may lead to distorted or fabricated truth in the stories from the very origin by the correspondents or local sources, who are not normally expected to be the initiators. Admittedly, when it comes to the independent news sources on the net, there is merely a minuscule community of the news consumers who think critically, which is different from the public opinion shaped by the subjective truth delivered in the mainstream news media. Iran can be an extreme example, where the news truth is first conceptualized by the ruling system ideologues before it is broadcast nationwide, which has broadened the gap between the government and people.

The primary role of a newspapers is to provide and present17 first-hand information about different content area of news18 including national, local, politics, weather and traffic news. These data will assist news readers in decision making. By having access to latest information19 in newspapers, which commonly has relevance to their daily lives, audience have the opportunity to take corresponding actions right away20. For example, in case of emergency, newspapers can act as a lifesaver21 which can update locals about latest near natural calamities22 and inform them23 about any precautions which would significantly reduce the number of victims.

بازنویسی پاراگراف سوم براساس ایده های شما

The major roles of a newspaper, whether in paper or electronic format, are to provide first-hand reliable news and rational commentaries/ interpretations in various fields – namely political, social, economic, weather and traffic fields – on a local, national, or international scale. The accurate pieces of news, especially at local or national levels, can assist the readers in making informed decisions for themselves or their community. For instance, when the newspapers report the casualties of a natural disaster such as a strong tornado ripping off certain parts of a country, the readers will know what they can donate to fulfill the immediate needs of their cataclysm-stricken fellow citizens. A newspaper can also forge interpretations on explanations for a current event or situation. This feature, which is specifically manifested in the editorial column, assists the readers in perceiving novel facets and possible implications of that event or situation. A newspaper, hence, is well capable of contributing to nurturing broader-minded citizens, which is one of the requirements for just any democratic society.

In conclusion, in reality24 objectivity in news media is hard to achieve and unlike general population’s expectation25 nearly all messages are26 being conveyed to audience had been 27distorted.

بازنویسی پاراگراف چهارم براساس ایده های شما

In conclusion, I believe that in the status quo, the objective truth hardly gets a chance to sneak into news stories, regardless of the provider. Meanwhile, newspapers can submit genuine news reports and intellectual interpretations on them to educate informed and liberal readers.

TR: 6    CC: 6   LR: 7  GRA:  6

بله. از آنجایی که رایتینگ به صورت کامل و مفصل آنالیز شده است، پیشنهاد می‌شود به ترتیب یعنی از مقدمه شروع کرده و تا انتها پیش روید.
بله قطعا. با مطالعه آنالیز رایتینگ دیگر زبان آموزان می‌توانید اشتباهات خود را پیش بینی کرده و از آنها جلوگیری به عمل آورید.
بله. آنالیز و تحلیل رایتینگ‍‌های شما توسط اساتید ما انجام می‌شود. برای این منظور با شماره ٩١ ١٩ ٨٦ ٢٢ ٠٢١ تماس حاصل فرمایید.